Blugold Roast was created back in 2016 with the intent to help students build actual business skills for a real operational company. Not only was this used as a way for students to gain actual business knowledge in low risk scenarios, Blugold Roast was also created for a good cause. In the development stages of the business, it was decided to make sure all our products were fair-trade, organic, and carbon negative. Blugold Roast has always stood for more than profit, creating a positive change is written into the DNA of our company. 

Tyler and Nills began to grow BGR exponentially until graduation. In 2018, Bradley Johnson took Blugold Roast from a small Niche brand at the University mainstream. Blugold Roast was finally offered in the Cabin at the UW - Eau Claire campus, and took our sales numbers to their peak. 

Once Bradley graduated, Andrew has taken the lead role focusing on building a brand more focused on business to consumers to broaden our reach in the public eye. Now in the process of making Blugold Roast a locally known brand, we’re making big strides to rebuild and update our company that keeps the original designs but now recreated for a more modern look.

Through BGR’s five years of business, it has helped students take what they’ve learned in the classroom and apply them to a real world scenario. It’s exciting to see how far this program has come, and even more exciting to see where it will go. 

Written by Zach Wenning

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